Frédéric Neveur
Stories, graphics and games designer
Frédéric Neveur
is an illustrator, game designer, fantasy writer based in Stockholm and Saint Savinien
Creator, explorer, dreamer, radiator :-), born in Versailles, France, near the castle :-), yet I grew up between pines, vineyards and salt marshes, between the Bordeaux region and the incomparable light of the Island of Ré, where my family is from. I have a master's degree in cultural geography and two teacher's degrees (because two is always better than one ;-)). I lived in the Washington State, near Portland, USA, where I really started writing fantasy stories, to imagine graphic concepts (Works sold in Las Vegas, participation in a project on the representation of mushrooms by the Botanical Gardens in Nijmegen in the Netherlands...) and designing RPG and card games (Game designer on Crowded Cave Project at Nordic Raven Games).
It was during a trip to the Czech Republic that I met the mother of my lovely daughter, born in 2010. In order to pay the high taxes in France, I am the happy teacher of 28 little monsters who like to make fractals in modelling clay, in a private school of Cognac where I develop "serious games" for educational purposes. I am trying to publish one of my projects : modelling a micro democracy in the classroom space by giving students the opportunity to manage virtual cities by building the facilities voted by the group. This management game with learning protocols coming from imagination and debates is the subject of a doctoral project in the sciences of education.
Regarding creative writing, I like the fantasy genre (Tolkien, Sapkowski...). I am passionate about mapping imaginary universes (I am a cartographer and I love to draw imaginary maps while listening to the works of Japanese composers like Uematsu, Mitsuda or Kikuta). I also like to explore fantastic worlds, strangely realistic, related to the emotions of women and men who have lost themselves, consciously or unconsciously (like the Miyazaki’s movies for example). Writing, telling a story (just like painting…) is, in my case, a personal way of approaching the true meaning of love and talking about difficult topics - such as violence perpetrated on children - to grasp the meanders of different feelings that flow. I write to try to understand the soul by introspection. I wish my writings to awaken emotions. And that my stories can help one way or another.
Thank you very much for spending time reading this unnecessarily long biography!
PS: I also won a Cool Spot T-Shirt at a video game contest in 1993 and I was part of the French team of Japanese weaponry :-)