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Frédéric Neveur
Stories, graphics and games designer

Frédéric Neveur
25 janv. 20201 min de lecture
Crowded Cave on Kickstarter february the 28th
Get ready to dig in !
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Frédéric Neveur
1 sept. 20191 min de lecture
Kickstarter campaign in October!
After years of developpement, we are ready!
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Frédéric Neveur
17 avr. 20191 min de lecture
Orlock Belam is in the Cave !
It's a big spoiler alert! One of the strongest (and most expensive) hero in Crowded Cave will be in the Skycave extension :-)
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Frédéric Neveur
15 avr. 20191 min de lecture
Finishing another card: "Tania, the cyborg"
There is a little peek on the work in progress for Crowded Cave. It took half a day and I'm still not satisfied with this card from the...
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Frédéric Neveur
13 avr. 20191 min de lecture
Séance de dédicaces à Cultura - Puilboreau - La Rochelle
Pour célébrer la sortie de notre dernier livre publié, Le voyage de Nathan, petit fossoyeur d'âmes, venez nous retrouver au Cultura de la...
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Frédéric Neveur
10 avr. 20191 min de lecture
Work in progess - Crowded Cave
Our game is taking a shower in order to be both fun and beautiful :-) The pixel art design will always be the first way of creating an...
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